Progressivism is Dead: The End of the American Dream and the coming...
Trump and the GOP are stacking the courts wih regressive, backward thinking activist judges - the American version of the Taliban . Not just anti-lgbt & anti-abortion rights, but also anti-voting...
View ArticleVindicated by Donna Brazile
Donna Brazile vindicated every story I’ve ever written about the Clintons, Daily Kos and the Democratic Party. If you think DailyKos and the Democratic Party are going to save you going into the...
View ArticleHortonism is Trumpism: Why George H.W. Bush Is No Saint
So former President George H. W. Bush and Junior published a book criticizing Donald Trump, calling him a “blowhard”. “We have seen our discourse degraded by casual cruelty,” Bush said. “We’ve seen...
View Article"Bernie Sanders Was Never A Democrat"
“Bernie Sanders was never a Democrat.” is a common Clinton supporter refrain, as to why any imaginable malfeasance committed by the DNC was justified. Let me explain why Y'all got it wrong. Here's the...
View ArticleCall for Franken's resignation if you want - Republicans still dont give a damn.
If you think centrist/moderate Republicans and swing voters will be impressed with the Democratic Party if Al Franken resigns in a show of relative moral superiority, you’re naive and setting yourself...
View ArticleWhy Centrists Are Wrong
Ugh, yet another diary about that subject again. I know. Look — anyone who is an expert at bargaining knows that Centrist Democrats and their supporters know nothing about the reality of governing. The...
View ArticleThe Federal Spending Paradox. If you can solve this puzzle, you can save...
The Federal Spending Paradox “A study published in the American Politics Research journal and summarized in the Harvard Business Review reveals that conventional wisdom that places poor white...
View ArticleIs Donald Trump a long time flipped FBI/CIA Informant? What if he is?
When I read these allegations of Trump’s money laundering schemes involving big time criminals and dictators, I can’t help but wonder: How has this man gotten away with it for so long? How could the...
View ArticleThe DACA War is already lost. Do not let it consume Democrats chances of...
Face it, a DACA renewal had zero chances of passing the House to begin with. The GOP House admitted it themselves. So why is anyone pretending there was ever a chance? Democrats need to stop playing...
View ArticleSure, Democrats are retaking the House, but...
How many Blue Dog / New Democrat / Joe Liberman / Joe Manchin types that vote with Republicans >75% of the time are among our new found ‘majority’? We all know that the Blue Team isn’t as...
View ArticleJoe Biden - Founding DLC Member, Third Way Neoliberal New Democrat
Joe Biden is an original founding Democratic Leadership Council member. He is a Third Way Neoliberal New Democrat. Make no mistake, Biden will disappoint you with his milquetoast Grand Bargaining,...
View ArticleBlue Dog Democrats spotted in their natural habitat
Bright blue stray dogs were spotted roaming the Navi Mumbai’s Taloja industrial area earlier this month, raising concern for the level of pollution in the Kasadi River.After pictures of blue dogs and...
View ArticleProgressivism is Dead: The End of the American Dream and the coming...
Trump and the GOP are stacking the courts wih regressive, backward thinking activist judges - the American version of the Taliban . Not just anti-lgbt & anti-abortion rights, but also anti-voting...
View ArticleVindicated by Donna Brazile
Donna Brazile vindicated every story I’ve ever written about the Clintons, Daily Kos and the Democratic Party. If you think DailyKos and the Democratic Party are going to save you going into the...
View ArticleHortonism is Trumpism: Why George H.W. Bush Is No Saint
So former President George H. W. Bush and Junior published a book criticizing Donald Trump, calling him a “blowhard”. “We have seen our discourse degraded by casual cruelty,” Bush said. “We’ve seen...
View Article"Bernie Sanders Was Never A Democrat"
“Bernie Sanders was never a Democrat.” is a common Clinton supporter refrain, as to why any imaginable malfeasance committed by the DNC was justified. Let me explain why Y'all got it wrong. Here's the...
View ArticleCall for Franken's resignation if you want - Republicans still dont give a damn.
If you think centrist/moderate Republicans and swing voters will be impressed with the Democratic Party if Al Franken resigns in a show of relative moral superiority, you’re naive and setting yourself...
View ArticleWhy Centrists Are Wrong
Ugh, yet another diary about that subject again. I know. Look — anyone who is an expert at bargaining knows that Centrist Democrats and their supporters know nothing about the reality of governing. The...
View ArticleThe Federal Spending Paradox. If you can solve this puzzle, you can save...
The Federal Spending Paradox “A study published in the American Politics Research journal and summarized in the Harvard Business Review reveals that conventional wisdom that places poor white...
View ArticleIs Donald Trump a long time flipped FBI/CIA Informant? What if he is?
When I read these allegations of Trump’s money laundering schemes involving big time criminals and dictators, I can’t help but wonder: How has this man gotten away with it for so long? How could the...
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