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Why Centrists Are Wrong


Ugh, yet another diary about that subject again. I know. Look — anyone who is an expert at bargaining knows that Centrist Democrats and their supporters know nothing about the reality of governing. The funny thing is,  Centrist Democrats among us acknowledge that Republicans are masters at bargaining — they always drive their stake at the furthest extremes and force Democrats to compromise the center in every budget negotiation. Centrist Democrats love to frown on this tactic on the false premise that they’re the ‘ethical’ and ‘moral’ ones who believe in fairness in spirit of bi-partisanship, so they must drive their stake in the center. They ridiculed every one of Paul Ryan’s extremist budget proposals over the past decade. Centrist Democrats love to scold those of us who understand the reality of negotiating ‘purist’ or ‘absolutist’ positions, pointing to ideological extremists such as Paul Ryan as an example of failed governance. They love to scold us that staking extreme positions doesn’t win elections. Yet in the end, with Centrist Democrats at the wheel, they have lost seats massively to the GOP and Paul Ryan wins.  They now have the nerve to call those who understand the reality of basic principles of negotiation the ‘idealistic’ ones. Basic principles that hold true of scale, whether it is between two individuals or a governing body. The GOP understands this. Centrist Democrats do not. Actually I’m wrong: Establishment Centrist Democrats do understand that. They understand perfectly that by tacking the center, any compromise with the GOP will yield gains for their wealthy and corporate funders.  And that is primarily why they hippie punch the  base  and refuse to run a populist 50 state strategy. Establishment Centrist Democrats have a pension and cushy lobbying job that pays far more should they lose their re-elections, and their donors switch party lines to fund the Republican candidate who easily defeated them because the old adage that ‘given a choice between a Republican and a Democrat who pretends to be a Republican, the real deal always wins’ has held true as surely as the sun rises in the morning.  If it doesn’t even matter if we lose elections either, then what is the point of compromising on populist messaging at all? Yet those who understand the reality of all this continue to be scolded and hippie punched by Centrist Democrats, shouted down to fall in line. Look — we all know that Republicans are terrible at governing — they are utterly incompetent to a point that the worm always turns as surely as the moon will rise at night.  America always comes crawling back to the Democratic Party to have mommy nurse their boo boo and clean up their mess. We also know that when we cram progressive policies down their throat, as much as they initially scream and howl in objection to it,  they always grow to realize the error of their ways and love what we’ve fed them. They learned that every falsehood that the Republican leadership told them never came true and it became normalized to a point that they’ve become dependent on it.  Every progressive policy has followed this pattern, whether its the 13th amendment, a Civil Rights bill, pot legalization, gay marriage or Obamacare — they have to be forced to like it kicking and screaming.    And that is the difference between Democrats and the Republican Party.    Americans always grow to hate what conservatives force fed them, but grow to love what progressives force fed them.  Conservatives then have a hard time undoing what progressives have wrought,  because it is so beloved that they self destruct in their mission to undo it. That’s all that really matters in the end.  So we might as well go all out cram the motherlode of progressivism down their throats, and let THEM be the ones who compromise the center. Yet these Centrist Democrats want to fail before we even get out the gate. And they’ve failed, every single time, sending America back to the tormentors on the other side of the aisle like America has Stockholm Syndrome. Their track record of winning speaks for itself — they’re not in a position to make demands. Their demands clearly aren’t made with the American people in its best interests either. Centrist Democrats either don’t know how to negotiate, or deliberately don’t want to negotiate.  There is no other reality. That’s why we must go BIG during every Blue Wave, no half measures. No half stepping.   GO BIG, OR GO HOME. 

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