So this is where we’re headed — more of the same. More milquetoast, yellow-spined, Pro Wall Street corruption Pro-TPP ala Obama and Pro-PNAC warmongering ala Hillary Clinton type Democrats that are happy to knife their own party leader in the back to woo GOP voters when they feel it is politically expedient to do so and then always, *ALWAYS* lose because as Truman and Gore Vidal famously said — given a choice between a Republican and a Democrat pretending to be a Republican, people would always vote for the real thing. Blue Dogs were those losers who watered down the ACA, formed Catfood Commissions and ran from Obama’s accomplishments and overall destroyed all enthusiasm for voting Democrat with their uninspiring backstabbing campaigns. These Liebermanesque traitors would vote for anything Trump wants if they feel it would save their seats And we have people here on Daily Kos helping these Mark Penn/Third Way/Blue Dog/DNC type losers hippie punch real progressives who are trying to change the direction of the party & telling them to fall in line. I’ve been on Daily Kos long enough to remember we’ve been through this cycle at least three times. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Democrats See Conservative Blue Dogs as Key to Winning House