There is a common refrain among Hillary supporters that those who attack Hillary on her Wall Street bona fides are 'acting like/helping Republicans'. It strikes me as odd, since Republicans never cared about this sort of thing. Do you ever hear Repub voters complain about their own Wall Street corruption? No. Republicans never cared about "Corporations are people, my friends" Romney, nor Koch homeland puppet Brownback, nor the fact that Bush & Cheney were the greatest Wall Street presidents this country ever had. Republicans don't even care about that sort of thing - they love Wall Street owned candidates. They see it as a good quality - just businessmen being capitalistic, no conflict of interest. Republicans never even accused Hillary of being 'corporate owned' and 'beholden to Wall Street'. Repubs can't even attack Hillary on that angle because they know doing so will be akin to throwing stones in a glass house. Yet Hillary & her supporters are now trying to make the case that the Democratic base doing what they’ve always done and being consistent with their values is akin to 'acting or helping Republicans’. Hillary and her supporters are trying to shift the Overton window and make the “Wall Street Funded Democratic Candidate” the new and acceptable normal for the Democratic Party through projections and distortions & that the Democratic voter should just sit down and shut up , accept the okey-doke else they are a Republican troll. They don’t understand that by doing exactly that, we become exactly a quality that we hate most about Republicans. Look, I get it — there is no honor in politics, only tribalism. People hear what they want to hear and will cook up any excuse for turning a blind eye to their preferred candidates contradictions or abandonment of principle. This is true about both parties and all candidates. I’ve seen Democrats turn a blind eye when Obama does certain things they used to attack Bush for. This is clearly human nature — most if not all humans are not immune to this phenomenon. That is the point — it’s why Clintonian incrementalism, triangulation, the ratchet effect and Overton Window shifts work and work so well — because they know they can always expect their tribal base to make noise and whitewash anything for them so that it becomes the new normal. If you’re a Hillary supporter who is falling for this line of reasoning, then open your eyes see it for what it actually is. It is okay - No need to spin or sugar coat it — you aren’t fooling anyone but yourselves. And that is okay, because you’re human. We see you. Just stop projecting — it surely isn’t us who are ‘acting like/helping’ Republicans. If you won’t hear it from me, then read this article.