In historical order:
Article #1: Goldwater’s ascendency:
How Goldwater Changed Campaigns Forever
x YouTube VideoArticle #2: Southern Dixiecrat Jimmy Carter injects Southern cancer into the Democratic Party
How Reaganism actually started with Carter
Article #3: The Destruction of the Democratic Party underway — nothing has changed in 2017
For Democrats, Me-Too Reaganism Will Spell Disaster
Article #4: DLC Southern Dixiecrats including Bill Clinton & Al Gore continue the metastatization of Southern cancer.
Why the Democratic Party Acts The Way It Does
Article #5 — Democratic Party RIP
Demise of the Southern Democrat Is Now Nearly Complete
Every single thing wrong with the Democratic Party can be simplified to denial and obscuring of historic racism and bigotry within its own ranks, and the refusal to sufficiently address it, which is why nobody in the entire party leadership dare mentions the GOP Crosscheck program and barely lifted a finger to address racist voter suppression that has been ongoing since decades.
It is an accumulated error that is the prime reason why Hillary Clinton the lost the election. Not the Russian hackers, not Bernie Sanders or third parties — failure to sufficiently address racism did that.
As long as this continues, Democratic Party is dead because as we learned during the DNC Debate yesterday, it’s leadership is full of navel gazers who divide themselves over obscuring and denying this basic premise that is simple and plain to see.
America was founded on racism and bigotry, and the Democratic Party turned into a bunch of fauxgressives who divided and conquered themselves denying and obscuring this simple fact, because they’re no different from Republicans in how they fail to see how times have changed so much that FDR is no longer relevant in modern times.
Fauxgressive Democrats are like the Republicans they ridicule and deride, because they fail to realize that when the founding fathers fought back against the East India Co. they didn’t do it ‘progressively’ via the sisyphean task of enabling the very same powerful corporations that waged culture wars against them in exchange for bones and scraps that will be taken away as easily as they were won.