It’s apparent that Americans are fragmenting into 3 sets of primary ideological views
1) Fiscal Progressive & Social Progressive - the Sanders wing of the Democratic Party that longs for the days of FDR and the Civil Rights movement.
2) Fiscal Conservative, Social Progressive — the neoliberal New Democrat/Blue Dog/Third way Clinton wing of the Democratic Party (ex: those who support free trade agreements such as the TPP and privatization, are open to Social Security/Medicare cuts — they exist), Dole/Romney/McCain Republicans, Libertarians. Generally people who don’t care about campaign finance reform & are happy to fund their candidates with Wall Street dollars.
3) Social Conservative & Fiscal Conservative — the nativist, white supremacist, evangelical, neocon Trump wing of the GOP — they only like socialism as long as it comes with a ‘Whites Only’ provision.
So here’s the ideal arrangement: All of those who belong to group #2 should go join the Libertarian Party where they’ll find those who share their views. Group #2 are full of people who were former libertarians and moderate Republicans anyways (including Markos himself). This way we have 3 parties where the battle lines are clear instead of muddied and we can actually have a healthy debate on the issues without all the big tent infighting over what it means to belong to either party.
How about it America?